Monday, September 22, 2008

Fun Monday

Sports Fan Heather at is the host today...check out her link today. The theme is sports fans.

This is my first Fun Monday and sports pictures are a great find for our place.

I live in OH, so my football team...

...and my baseball team...
...are not doing so well.

I watch OSU football with a passion...

...and this is my absolute favorite part. I'm the kind of football fan that makes it to the field early for the preshow Marching Band and can hardly wait for the halftime show. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Script OHIO.

But by far, these are my favorite sports stars...

T. plays for Tri-County Cyclones, defensive wing...

A. plays striker for United Die soccer...

...N. plays for striker for G's Pizza...

...and K. runs like the wind on G's Pizza.

My camera is full of their action shots, and my schedule is full from their practice and games. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

Are you a sports fan? Who are your favs?

Now, go check out everyone else's allegiances or share your own!Players:1. Tanya2. Judysteapot3. Hootin' Anni4. Rayne5. Gattina6. Ali7. Grace8. Storyteller9. HulaGirlAtHeart10. Chrisb11. jsi12. Swampangel6513. karmyn r14. Alison15. Jan16. Swampy17. {i}post18. debs19. sauntering soul20. robocop21. beedancer22. margaret23. tiggerlane24. Mommywizdom25. kitten


Ali said...

Welcome to Fun Monday Jessie :-) Thats a real cute team you have there!

Heather said...

You are a woman after my own heart! I love the Browns, OSU (I love when they dot the i) and I loved the Indians when I was a Cleveland resident for nine years. Don't get to see them much in Illinois anymore.

Your family is beautiful!

Thanks for playing this week!

Anonymous said...

Oops - I didn't think about including my kids teams! haha -

Go soccer!

Oh - and I always have to check to see which "O" it is in OSU - because I live 8 miles from Oregon State University.

Robocop said...

Good teams!

Jan said...

It's great that you included your children and their teams.

Heather said...


The only help I can give you is to use the blogger toolbar. I highlight the name I want to link to, and use the blogger link - you do need to put in the entire address, including http://

Hope this helps!


Gattina said...

I had to look up if you were American, because football for me means soccer,lol ! anyway I am fan of nothing !

kitten said...

Great teams and beautiful kids!

storyteller said...

Thanks for stopping by Small Reflections and leaving the link back here. Welcome to Fun Monday! I enjoyed meeting your family and learning about the teams you follow too. Hope you’re having a wonderful week.
Hugs and blessings,

Ali said...

I see you got sorted!