Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Who would believe my verse in time to come,
If it were filled with your most high deserts?
Though yet, heaven knows, it is but as a tomb
Which hides your life, and shows not half your parts.
If I could write the beauty of your eyes,
And in fresh numbers number all your graces,
The age to come would say, "This poet lies,
Such heavenly touches ne'er touched earth's faces."

William Shakespeare, sonnet xvii

My sweetness knows me so well, there is not a store on earth which holds a gift I want, I pine for, I desire more than some thoughtful time well spent. For Valentine's Day, Dave didn't need red wrapping or bows; he didn't require my ring finger size or dinner reservations or my favorite candy. For me, the less money spent, the more valuable the gift.
He gave our family what we needed the most, and it took so much to provide it.

We got our garage back.

All of our corps buildings - and their garages and separate storage buildings - have compromised roofs. There hasn't been a place to keep everything which needs stored and needs to stay dry. I take that back, there has been a place - our garage. And in providing this, we haven't been able to park in covered parking.

So for the past few weeks, we have deliberately and systematically prepared the garage to be able to be what it should be...for the vehicles. Finished by a big push from him this weekend, I got my Valentine just in the nick of time...blizzard warning with the expectation of 24" by tomorrow lunch.

Tonight he just charged up the snowblower and is helping two drivers stuck at the end of the street, clearing the walk for our block and the driveway for our home and the neighbors.
Nothing you can say can tear me away from my guy! He really is the best.

The kids are celebrating tonight, whooping it up from the living room, the schools are closed tomorrow for the bitter blast and blizzard condition it is tonight and the expected accumulation it will be tomorrow. In the indubitable words of my sweetness, "There just ain't no day like a snow day!"

Have a blessed Valentine's Day, my smile is firmly planted, I am so blessed to have this generous, thoughtful, sacrificing, caring man in my life!

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