Monday, October 9, 2006

Loving every minute!

Dave and I can't believe sometimes how blessed we are to have four children! We love being with them, making new friends with them and doing all all sorts of "kid things" with them. This week in the adult world was Christmas applications, full of meetings - Army and community, property bids, DHQ conferences, budget and statistical closings and openings - e.g lots of work, lots of people, numerous phone calls, a slew of details, not much laughing, horsing around or fun.

But to the kid world, this week was a bonanza!

Our family had two birthdays this past week, one for Nate(8) and one for Ty(12), 8 days apart. We are flying high on birthday cake, which counts as a healthy breakfast because it has eggs and butter and milk! Special Guest Day is a classroom visiting opportunity for Abby, Nate and Kate. Their chosen special guest comes to school for about 1 hour with them and they have their selected activities with them, share a poem they wrote just for them, show new projects in the works - and dad got a chance to see them all. Dave was each of their special guest, and the time set aside was in the beginning of the day (his busiest and most demanding part of any day). When he arrived at the office after these special day visits he was literally shining, so happy from the kids surprise that it was him stopping by, not me. It was like an innoculation to a demanding day - "Nothing bad can happen to me today, my boy thinks I'm as strong as Superman, he said so with this picture he drew of me and got an 'Awesome' from the teacher who asked me if I really did wear a cape." Three different Special Guest Day visits, three different days, what joy!

Abby's Girl Scout Troop was completing a float for the Homecoming Parade which was last night. She had a ball stapling and wrapping and getting everything ready with her new friends, and then last night being on the float and throwing candy at what turned out to be the entire town of Perkins Township. A perfect fall night, the streets were lined with row after row of parents, children, was so exciting! I think the parents, alumni and other adults have as much fun, if not more, than the high schoolers when it comes to Homecoming! It was a riot.

Soccer games this morning: Abby 2 goals and 1 period goalie, Nate 4 goals and 1 period goalie and Kate with 4 goals and a full body sacrifice to prevent a score from a kid who I swear was in 4th grade (but that's just this mom's point of view!) Tyler's hockey game this afternoon brought 2 goals 2 minutes in the penaly box, 2 assists and one amazing check - we're on cloud nine! From cheering on the sidelines in the cold crisp morning to cheering on the sidelines at the ice rink, I feel so proud to be their mom, watching them grow and do the best they can.

Kate just helped me with emergency first aid cause I just sliced my hand open in the stupidest of ways - after I threw away the top of the can from tomato soup, I threw more trash away and pressed it down to make more room - youch, what a fool! Around my entire pinky finger, ugh the blood. So I can't do dishes for a few days, was it worth it?!.

The sun is setting earlier each night, but I don't feel I have lost a minute of shine'cause my kids just light me up!

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